Maintain the temperature of your biological materials from the collection site to the analysis laboratory

Preserve the temperature of heat-sensitive medical products from the pharmaceutical laboratory to the final patient

Heat-sensitive healthcare products – TSPs – require complex logistics to preserve the integrity of the drug product from its manufacture in the pharmaceutical laboratory to its administration to patients.

The pathway of heat-sensitive drugs is a long logistical circuit that involves a multitude of actors. These logistic actors are links in the same chain that participate in the control of the temperature of heat-sensitive health products – TSP. If one link is broken, the entire cold chain for the drug is broken.

Heat-sensitive health products – TSPs – are stored in well-defined temperature ranges :
Our solutions
1 Guaranteeing the cold chain for biological and health products ?
Biological products
Certain biological materials collected for research, diagnosis, disease treatment or prevention require specific holding temperatures.
These specific biological materials include primary human and animal tissues and cells, cell lines, stem cells, tissue fluids and organs.
How to ensure their transport between the sampling site, the analysis site and the hospital or medical clinic?
Health care products
The flow of heat-sensitive drugs is numerous :
- Inter-site transfers in pharmaceutical laboratories ;
- Routing from the pharmaceutical laboratory to the wholesaler-distributor, then from the wholesaler-distributor to the pharmacy ;
- Direct routing from the pharmaceutical laboratory to the pharmacies ;
- Supply of logistic platform in university hospitals and clinics ;
- Transport between hospital logistics platform and internal use pharmacy (PUI).
How to preserve the cold chain of these different pharmaceutical logistics flows?
If the refrigerated vehicle proves to be a practical solution at first sight, it is advisable to prefer the refrigerated isothermal container in certain cases :
- When your transport connects non-refrigerated loading and unloading areas, the autonomous refrigerated container will avoid breaking the cold chain in case of waiting for the deliveryman or the receptionist ;
- When transporting several quantities of temperature sensitive products at different temperature ranges, use different refrigerated isothermal containers by integrating eutectic plates adapted to the target temperature range ;
- When you want to use an electric or CNG vehicle under controlled temperature, the refrigerated isothermal container will easily slide into the back of your vehicle without any energy input from the vehicle.
COLD & CO’s 3 ranges of refrigerated isothermal containers meet this need perfectly.
Associated with eutectic plates adapted to the target temperature ranges (+2°C to +8°C; +15°C to +25°C, <-18°C; <-80°C), these autonomous refrigerated containers guarantee the respect of the cold chain of your thermosensitive health products (PST) while being inserted easily in the back of any type of utility.
Make your choice from the range of isothermal containers according to your needs
A small and light medical bag? 2
Liberal or hospital health professionals, doctors, nurses or midwives administering heat-sensitive health products (TSP) must respect the cold chain during the transport of their heat-sensitive medicines and treatments. Similarly, the transportation of breast milk – whether intended for the child directly or for donation to a lactarium – must follow good cold chain practices.
Semi-rigid, light and practical in use, the COLD & CO cooler bag can be customized and combined with adapted eutectic plates:
- To transport in hospital environment the thermosensitive treatments of the pharmacy of internal use (PUI) to the rooms of the patients;
- In a liberal framework, to carry out the transport in EHPAD and at home of vaccines and other thermosensitive health products – PST;
- To carry out the inter-site flows in the case of collection of biological samples or breast milk.
Discover our semi-rigid refrigerated IsoCase
3 Routing: avoiding thermal shock?
When patients collect their heat-sensitive medical treatment from the hospital’s in-house pharmacy or from a pharmacy in the city center, their medication can break the cold chain. To maintain the temperature during the return home, one solution is to use flexible isothermal bags.
COLD & CO’s isothermal pouches or cooling pouches with a fresh gel avoid thermal shock and a rapid rise in temperature before the patient returns home.
Routing of heat-sensitive health products by the patient himself and to his home.
Shipping of heat-sensitive biological and drug products ? 4
The shipment of heat-sensitive pharmaceutical products such as reagents, diagnostics, vaccines, blood bags and blood derivatives (plasma, red blood cells, platelets), oncology and biotechnology products as well as human and animal tissues, organs and biological samples requires, when shipped by courier, the use of cold packs or temperature-controlled crates in order to preserve their integrity.
For this purpose, COLD & CO offers the Fresh Box Plus range of isothermal packaging, a flexible packaging delivered flat which allows a temperature maintenance up to 48 hours. The temperature maintenance is ensured by the addition of eutectic gel adapted to the target temperature of conservation of your products.
The Freshbox is a semi-reusable isothermal packaging